



Founded in 1888, 雪的大学 is one of the oldest two-year state colleges in the 美国西部. 它是一个充满活力的机构,致力于留住最优秀的人才 回顾过去,回应时代变迁的要求. PG电子官方免费下载有一个重要的 在犹他州教育史上的地位. 它的故事是漫长的不可分割的一部分 struggle to establish schools - first in the Utah Territory and then in the State. 真正意义上来说,PG电子官方免费下载是一所先锋学校.

On November 5, 1988, forty years after the first settlers came to Ephraim and eight years before Utah was admitted to the Union, 雪的大学 began as the Sanpete Stake 耶稣基督后期圣徒教会创立的学院. 十二年后 in 1900, the school was renamed Snow Academy in honor of the then-President of The LDS Church, Lorenzo Snow, and his cousin Erastus Snow, who was instrumental in helping 定居在桑皮特山谷. 1917年书院时代结束时,新教育应运而生 由于对学校提出了要求,学校更名为雪师范学院. With the rise of the American‑created junior college system the name was again changed, 在短暂的一段时间(1922 - 1923年),他去了斯诺初级学院. 1923年它被简化了 从那时起,它就以PG电子官方免费下载而闻名.

In addition to offering the traditional two‑year, pre‑university education, Snow has 在其140多年的历史中提供应用技术课程. 1998年, Utah State Legislature merged the former Sevier Valley Applied Technology Center, 位于里奇菲尔德,与PG电子官方免费下载在一起. 里奇菲尔德校区增加了一个强大的项目 of technical education offerings and a growing number of academic courses to complement 以法莲校区的祭品. 如今,PG电子官方免费下载是一所州立大学 liberal arts and technical education programs, online degrees, short‑term training, 各种副学士学位,甚至两个四年制学士学位. 至关重要的学生 support services and opportunities for involvement are important aspects of the Snow 大学经历. 

Over the years, the emphasis on quality has made 雪的大学 the intellectual, artistic, 犹他州中部的文化、教育和体育中心. 受到斯诺的鼓舞 academic standards and dedication to the pursuit of knowledge, thousands of graduates have gone on to earn higher degrees at colleges 和大学 throughout the country. 成千上万的人已经从斯诺大学毕业,做好了在美国就业的充分准备 a wide variety of fields, and to take their place in personal and professional life. Today, as in the past, the best evidence of Snow’s success is its successful graduates.

雪的大学 aspires to be a national leader in providing accessible, affordable, 为农村和其他得不到充分服务的人口提供高质量和灵活的教育. Our competitive advantage is a personalized, high touch experience provided for all students.


雪的大学 continues a tradition of excellence, encourages a culture of innovation, 并培养一种参与的氛围,以促进学生的成就 他们的教育目标.


  • Honoring its history and advancing its rich tradition of learning by providing a vibrant 使学生能够实现其教育目标的学习环境.
  • Encouraging and supporting innovative initiatives that create dynamic learning experiences 对于大学社区来说.
  • Creating learning and service opportunities, both locally and globally, to engage 学生、教职员工和周边社区.

The core themes for the College are, Tradition of Excellence, Culture of Innovation, 和参与气氛.


雪的大学 is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Credits and degrees earned at 雪的大学 are accepted by most American colleges 和大学.

雪的大学 is an accredited member of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM),弗吉尼亚州雷斯顿罗杰·培根大道11250号21室. 20190-5248.

The Theatre Department at 雪的大学 is an accredited member of the National Association 戏剧学院. 

The Business Division at 雪的大学 is an accredited member of the Association of 大学商学院和项目.

The Associate of Science in Nursing program is accredited by the 认证 Commission 护理教育公司. (ACEN)


Any student with a disability who feels that he or she needs an accommodation may 请致电(435)283-7321与《PG电子官方免费下载》协调员联系. Any campus visitor or guest with a disability who feels that he or she needs an accommodation to participate in a campus event may contact the Office of the President at (435) 283-7010 for assistance in contacting the appropriate office for requesting the accommodation.

Any student, visitor or guest who feels he or she has been discriminated against because of a disability may contact the Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator at (435) 283-7321. 如果学生或客人希望对协调人的裁决提出上诉,他或她的律师可以为其辩护 她可以联系负责学生成功的副校长. 完整的申诉程序 可在以下网址找到 http://domestictunerz.com/offices/ADA/index.html.




In compliance with federal laws and regulations (Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title I, Title VI, Title VII, Title IX of the Civil Rights Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act), 雪的大学 is an equal opportunity institution providing education and employment opportunities 不分种族、肤色、民族或族裔、血统、年龄、宗教 or religious creed, disability or handicap, sex or gender, sexual orientation, marital status, military or veteran status,  genetic information, or any other characteristic 受适用的联邦、州或地方法律保护.

雪的大学 does not discriminate on the basis of the aforementioned in employment 或者它的教育项目和活动.

In addition, Title IX of the Education Amendments specifically prohibits sex discrimination 在联邦政府支持的项目中. 为了遵守第九条,PG电子官方免费下载确认 它对这一政策的承诺是禁止任何形式的不当性行为 includes sexual harassment, sexual violence such as rape, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, 强迫,约会暴力,家庭暴力,跟踪. 地方的、州的和联邦的 法律将在斯诺的校园内执行.

The aforementioned Federal laws prohibit covered entities from retaliating against a person who files a charge of discrimination, participates in a discrimination proceeding, 或者反对非法雇佣行为.


If you are an employee or prospective employee with equal opportunity employment questions, 请联系: 
Brent Baxter -人力资源总监
(435) 283-7058


If you are a student or potential student with questions or concerns about discrimination, 请联系学生行为准则负责人:
麦克丹尼尔斯 -教务长
(435) 283-7320

If you are a student or potential student with questions regarding disability, please contact:
Cidney Shinsel -无障碍服务协调员
(435) 283-7321


If you are a student, employee, or are otherwise connected with 雪的大学 or any of Snow’s campuses and have questions about Title IX or concerns about possible sex 歧视(我.e. 基于性或性别、性别认同及/或表达, 性取向、怀孕等.)或不当性行为(如上所述) contact:

Staci泰勒 -PG电子官方免费下载第九章协调员
(435) 283-7120


U.S. 教育部
Cesar E. 查韦斯纪念大楼
Email:  OCR.Denver@ed.gov